Since the initiation of the Project, all our sponsors IAMGOLD, GOLDCORP, LAKESHORE GOLD, CARON CONSTRUCTION and OPG has worked hard to develop relationships with local communities that provide mutual, sustainable and community-wide benefits. The development of our relationship with Mattagami First Nation provided supporting organizations with the opportunity to support the establishment of the Mattagami Fish Hatchery.

The need for this program was identified by Mattagami First Nation band members who had expressed concerns over the importance of maintaining walleye population levels in lakes popular for fishing in the area. Our partners were pleased to work with Mattagami First Nation on this Project, and to provide technical expertise and financial support, wherever possible.

Together, IAMGOLD, GOLDCORP, LAKESHORE GOLD, CARON COSNTRUCTION, OPG and Mattagami First Nation established a state-of-the-art, fully outfitted 12 Bell Jar Fish Hatchery that has the capacity to hatch over 2.5 million eggs in the last 3 years.

The next steps for this project will be to build a rearing pond with the capacity to develop hatchlings to a larger size for release, which helps to ensure better survival rates in receiving waterbodies.

This is an exciting project for our partners to be a part of, and we congratulate Mattagami on their success with this program.