Bit of an old video but still really cool if you’re a fan of Kurt Cobain, Jared Leto, or even art and music in general. A couple years ago, Jared Leto put together this hauntingly accurate tribute to the late Nirvana frontman.

Jared said in a post through the band’s YouTube page:

“I heard today (April 5) was the day Kurt passed away 17 years ago. Can’t believe it’s been that long. So grateful for his contribution and inspiration. Not sure I’d be doing this if it weren’t for him. He gave us all permission to create no matter what our skill set and reminded me that dreams are possible. Thanks for that. This made me recall a short piece of film I shot when I heard they were making a film celebrating his life. I made it to explore the character and explore creative possibilities. I never sent it to the studio or to anyone but thought I’d share it now.”

Still, the Academy Award winning actor and Thirty Seconds To Mars frontman insists this was NOT an audition to play the role of Kurt Cobain in a biopic. Although it’s safe to say, he’s likely first in line if the roll comes up anytime in the foreseeable future.

Filed under: Jared Leto, kurt-cobain, Nirvana, thirty-seconds-to-mars