Yes, aspects of the KPMG core services review conducted in 2015 are still showing up in late-2017.

The latest one to come across Timmins city council is the ongoing effort into a Customer Service review for the city. It was said creating a Centralized Customer Service Centre would help create a more customer-oriented and easier managed model for customer service.

So whether you’re reporting a water main break or need information on how to book an ice rental, this one number would handle all the requests and put in a work order in a timely fashion.

A big part of that is a call-centre that would merge 53+ existing phone numbers into one number.

After three and a half years of payback on upfront capital and operating expenses, it’s said the city will save about $150,000 a year.

Some of the savings ($199,140) will come from a reduction in staffing levels, going from 12 employees to seven.

Council seems in favour of this venture, that sees city hall as the preferred place to house the centre.

If passed, the centre is expected to open in June 2018.

CLICK HERE for the council presentation.

CLICK HERE for the administration report.

CLICK HERE for the video discussion, under Item 4I.

Filed under: Local News